This is Not a solo dance
Since 2019
This performative drawing work is inspired by Chinese calligraphy.
'女', the Chinese word for woman, contains three strokes. It has to be written in the set order, as women are expected to perform in certain patterns. The performer embodied the writing and transformed it into dancing. Through the repetitive movements, dissecting and reforming the word, she undergoes a negotiation between the outside world and herself.
南村劇場 Nov. 2021
臺北藝穗節 Aug.-Sep. 2020 榮獲「其他中的其他」
倫敦排練+階段性呈現 Nov. 2019
photographer(由上而下):Yaqing Yang / Kyle Chang / Vera & Wen
臺中群島「寶石藝術節」Dec. 2022
南村劇場 Nov. 2021
臺北藝穗節 Aug.-Sep. 2020
Dance Film
Assembly Festival, Edinburgh, UK. Aug. 2021
Brighton Fringe Festival, UK. May-Jun. 2021
The Team
2021 南村製作 PLAYground Theater version
舞者 Dancer|張芸爾 Ruby Yun-Er Chang
口白 Vocalist |李昀儒 Vera Yun Lee
音樂設計暨樂手 Music Design & Musician|李欣平 Joyce Megan Lee
空間協力 Stage Assistant|江翌綾 Elaine Chiang
燈光設計 Lighting Designer| 王嵐青 A-Tshing Wang
舞台監督Stage Management|陳妤臻 Yu-Zhen Chen
行銷協力 Marketing Assistant| 黃意婷 Yi-Ting Huang
2021 舞蹈影像
導演 Director|李昀儒 Vera Yun Lee
表演者 Performer|張芸爾 Ruby Yun-Er Chang
攝影師 Camera Operator|王彥敦 Yan-Dun Wang
燈光設計與執行 Lighting Designer|李紹庭 Shao-Ting Lee
燈光助理 Lighting Assistant|藍婉心 Wan-Xin Lan
燈光顧問 Lighting Consultant|陳以欣 Mandy Chen
美術 Art Executive|江翌綾 Elaine Chiang
場記 Production Assistant|何宜晴 Yi-Ching Ho
聲音設計 Sound Designer|李欣平 Joyce Megan Lee
剪接 Film Editor|王彥敦 Yan-Dun Wang
調光 Colourist|王彥敦 Yan-Dun Wang
後製 Post-Production|張芸爾 Ruby Yun Er Chang
行銷助理 Marketing Assistant|黃意婷 Yi-Ting Huang
2020 臺北藝穗節 Taipei Fringe
舞者 Dancer|張芸爾 Ruby Yun-Er Chang
口白 Vocalist |李昀儒 Vera Yun Lee
音樂設計暨樂手 Music Design & Musician|李欣平 Joyce Megan Lee
空間協力 Stage Assistant|許之卉 Tammy Hsu
舞台監督Stage Management|楊子瑩 Zin Yang
前台協力 Receptionist|黃意婷 Yi-Ting Huang